April Self Care

In Engaging Minds (2015), the moments of education through time are explained and analyzed within the cultures and the contexts that teaching and learning take place in. The most modern educational moment described is that of Systemic Sustainability Education which understands education to be a vessel to produce sustainable wellness in environment, economy and within people. The central idea is that if students are not the ones encouraged to practice sustainable measures to problem solving as we are required to adapt to our everchanging world, then who will be the ones to carry this responsibility and privilege into the future?

As we enter this often slow, one step forward – two steps backward kind of spring that we often experience in central Canada, we have an added opportunity of reflection and planning before the promise of renewal and exciting anticipation of spring is fully upon us. As we consider renewal, light is often inadvertently shone into the shadowy areas that need attention, fresh air and newness. In looking at quality sustainability of our community, education systems, family and self, we might ask into the current state of these places to which we belong. Are we comfortable to go about sustaining the current wellness in these places or would we benefit from visiting one or two steps back? Would a false spring help us to reflect, reconsider and plan so we can be sure that the quality of community, school, family and self is one that we can feel good about sustaining?

Written by Amy Rasmussen Waluk, MEd, FTT